AzuroSDK is your one-stop-shop for building a dApp on Azuro Protocol. Simply install it and you’ll have a basic betting dApp which you can then customize to your needs.
SDK provides a comprehensive collection of useful React hooks and utilities for creating your own betting application, eliminating the need to worry about the tedious setup details.
In the future, you may come across the following types often enough, so we've decided to explain them from the get-go:
- Selection: Represents the user's choice, main data for bet and odds calculation, etc.
- Outcome: Specific data, such as the user's bet (
) that includesSelection
type Selection = {
outcomeId: string
conditionId: string
coreAddress: string
type BetOutcome = {
selectionName: string
odds: number
marketName: string
game: GameQuery['games'][0]
isWin: boolean | null
isLose: boolean | null
isCanceled: boolean
} & Selection
Npm Package
https://www.npmjs.com/package/@azuro-org/sdk (opens in a new tab)
Here (opens in a new tab) you can look how to use SDK in project.