This hook is used to fetch pre-match and live games.
Hook represents a logic wrapper over standard Apollo's useQuery
hook. Explore Apollo's docs (opens in a new tab) to understand what data the hooks return.
You can find the list of available sports here (opens in a new tab).
import { useGames } from '@azuro-org/sdk'
const { loading, error, games } = useGames(props)
filter?: {
limit?: number // limit the number of rows returned from a query
offset?: number // omit a specified number of rows before the beginning of the result set
sportHub?: SportHub // returns games from specific hub
sportSlug?: string // returns games from specific sport
leaglueSlug?: string // returns games from specific league
maxMargin?: number // max marginality
orderBy?: Game_OrderBy // default: Game_OrderBy.CreatedBlockTimestamp` - orders rows by passed rule
orderDir?: OrderDirection // order direction: asc, desc
isLive?: boolean // if `true`, the hook will retrieve live games
enum SportHub {
Sports = 'sports',
Esports = 'esports',
Unique = 'unique'
Custom query options
To accommodate additional arguments within your GraphQL query, the optimal approach is to create a custom hook. This can be achieved by leveraging the fundamental Apollo useQuery
hook as your starting point.
import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client'
import type { GamesDocument, GamesQueryResult, GamesQueryVariables, useApolloClients } from '@azuro-org/sdk'
const { prematchClient, liveClient } = useApolloClients()
const options = {
// your options
client: prematchClient // or, use liveClient if you require games specifically from the live
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery<GamesQueryResult, GamesQueryVariables>(GamesDocument, options)
Return Value
loading: boolean
error: Error | null
games: Array<{
id: string
gameId: string
title?: string | null
startsAt: string
status: GraphGameStatus
sport: {
sportId: string
slug: string
name: string
league: {
slug: string
name: string
country: {
slug: string
name: string
participants: Array<{
image?: string | null
name: string
enum GraphGameStatus {
Canceled = 'Canceled',
Created = 'Created',
Paused = 'Paused',
Resolved = 'Resolved'