Returns the calculated cashout, intended to provide the exact cashout value for a specific bet.
You can find more information Here.
import { getCalculatedCashout } from '@azuro-org/toolkit'
const { id } = bet // user's bet
const cashout = await getCalculatedCashout({
chainId: 137,
betCoreAddress: '0x...',
account: '0x...',
graphBetId: id,
isLive: false,
chainId: ChainId
account: Address
graphBetId: string // bet id from graph
isLive: boolean
type ChainId = 100 | 137 | 80002 | 88888 | 88882 | 8453 | 84532
import { type Address } from 'viem'
Return Value
type GetCalculatedCashout = {
calculationId: string // calculation id, needed for createCashout
account: string
environment: Environment
tokenId: string // bet token id from graph
cashoutAmount: string
multiplier: string
expiredAt: number // cashout expired at
approveExpiredAt: number // sigh cashout type data expired at
isLive: boolean
} | null