Returns the details of the created cashout order.
You can find more information Here.
import { getCashout } from '@azuro-org/toolkit'
const cashout = await getCashout({
chainId: 137,
orderId: '...',
chainId: ChainId
orderId: string // created cashout order id
type ChainId = 100 | 137 | 80002 | 88888 | 88882 | 8453 | 84532
Return Value
type GetCashoutResponse = {
txHash: string // transaction hash
} & CreateCashoutResponse
type CreateCashoutResponse = {
id: string // cashout id
state: CashoutState // cashout state
errorMessage?: string
enum CashoutState {
Processing = 'PROCESSING',
Accepted = 'ACCEPTED',
Rejected = 'REJECTED',
Open = 'OPEN'