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11/20 Live betting in Polygon Mumbai testnet

11/20 Live betting in Polygon Mumbai testnet


The Azuro Protocol team is excited to announce the launch of most anticipated feature - live betting in Polygon Mumbai testnet for all Azuro Protocol frontend operators. In this update, we introduce the concept of live betting, guides for markets data retrieval and gasless betting using Azuro Live Betting API.

Contracts / Subgraph / Guides

Smart contracts

We have added new smart contracts for live betting:

  • HostCore in Gnosis chain for games and markets storing.
  • LiveCore in Polygon Mumbai chain for bets storing.
  • Relayer in Polygon Mumbai chain for processing a new bets.


We have added new Subgraphs for indexing of new smart contracts:

  • HostCore subgraph for indexing of HostCore contract in the Host chain.
  • LiveCore subgraphs for indexing of LiveCore contracts in the Client chains.

Azuro Live Betting API

We have added a new API for bets registering and processing. This API allows to place an order (signed bet request) and track its status.

  • POST /orders endpoint for adding a new order.
  • GET /orders/:id for retrieving an order actual state.


With implementing of Live betting feature we're expecting a significant increase in betting turnover and an interest in Web3 betting at all.

We've tried to make a technical implementation of the feature as easy as possible.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Azuro Protocol team.