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Distribute Cashback

Distribute Cashback


Request Cashback Contracts

Begin by making a request to the Azuro Protocol team (opens in a new tab) to create Cashback contracts for your use. Once approved, you will gain access to our Cashback admin panel, and your new contracts integrated into our subgraphs. As the contract owner, you have the flexibility to withdraw funds from the marketing budget at any time. Additionally, Cashback contracts will be deployed exclusively for your affiliate address, ensuring that your funds are allocated solely to your frontend.

Provide Liquidity

To check the liquidity balance, use the balanceOf(cashbackAddress) function on the token contract. You can top up your contract by simply sending tokens to your cashback contract address, just as you would with a regular ERC-20 transfer.

Withdraw Liquidity

When you wish to withdraw liquidity from the contract, call the withdrawReserve(amount) function. Keep in mind that only tokens not reserved for Cashback can be withdrawn.

Budget Limitation

Please note that we provide you with the flexibility to distribute Cashback without a budget limitation. However, if your customers claim Cashback for an amount exceeding what you've provided to the contract, they will encounter an error during the smart contract execution call.

Use cashback transactions

Private request. To create a cashback, you need to create a campaign and offer, or use existing ones. Campaign and offer creation are available in the admin panel.


Please note that we provide you with the flexibility to distribute Cashback without a budget limitation. However, if your customers claim Cashback for an amount exceeding the Cashback contract balance, they will encounter an error during the smart contract execution call.

type Address = `0x${string}`
enum RestState {
  InProgress = 'InProgress',
  Received = 'Received',
  Suggested = 'Suggested',
type RestTransaction = {
  id: string,
  userAddress: Address,
  comment: string,
  offerId: string,
  campaignId: string,
  state: RestState,
  createdAt: Date
const transactionFetcher = async (userAddress: string, comment: string, offerId: string, campaignId: string): Promise<RestTransaction> => {
  const response = await<RestTransaction>('', {
    params: {
      userAddress, // user wallet address
      comment, // user wallet address
      offerId, // affiliate wallet address
      campaignId // networks array. For example: [PolygonUSDT]
  return || []

Distribute Cashback with Azuro Admin Panel

Follow these steps to distribute Cashback using the Azuro Cashback Admin Panel:

1. Sign In to Admin Panel

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